Broke through with over 1500 TSS points for the week, and geez my legs are feeling it, just tired and heavy. That's about the best training week I've had for over a year, super solid and controlled, 21 hours, not bad at all.
Last Sunday I tried the FLOAT at 5:30pm for a 1 hour session. Basically a bath filled with so much sodium you 'float'. Any who here's my experience... you'll want to read on. ; )
It kind of looks like a GIANTS toilet and they've left the seat up.
The host walked me through what happens and like all good males I listened carefully to every word. She only will knock to check if something is wrong.
I showered and hopped into the tank, such a strange feeling being totally weightless, you put earplugs in, you shut the lid on the tank, and some lights flicker away and soft music. It was so relaxing.
After a period of time the jets come on and you're in a weightless spa... bliss!
After what seemed to be about 20 mins a knock at the door... bloody hell, I was just about asleep! I couldn't hear her, so I just yelled back, "I'm fine!"....
I turned the lights out and went back to doing nothing but floating around getting a foot massage with the jets. I heard an automated message "your session is now complete", thinking I'd been ripped off, that was only like 50 mins! I got out and checked my phone.... it was 7:20pm.
What the hell? I second guessed myself and thought did I book a 5:30 or 6:30 session. I showered off the salt and went to the front desk, where the owner was laughing her head off. I had no idea what was going on.
Turns out, I'd fallen asleep within 5 mins in the float, completely lights out deep sleep, the jets turned on after 60 mins (signalling the end of the session). I was completely unaware I'd fallen asleep and thought the float was essentially starting when the jets came on, when in fact I'd been in there asleep for an hour! She was just knocking to ensure I wasn't dead I suspect. Comforting.
Fair to say I got my monies worth. A 1 hour session turned into a 1:50 min float.
So, my advice is, give it a go. Was the best 1 hour sleep I've ever had in my life. HAHA.