Very pleased with the the outcomes of the week, nothing performance related but the mindset of getting the job done. Establishing those habits again, eating well and doing the little things between sessions.
I even dusted off those Normatec's, I feel the pump may burst after the next 20 weeks!
To set yourself TSS weekly target of 1168 and put 1176 on the board, is absolute proof in following the program. Yes, it's just a number, but its a great representation of intensity and duration in sessions. I'm using this Kona prep to really test forecasting TSS. I often use myself as a 'guinea pig', before using it on others. If I don't believe in it myself, how can I sell the message to the athletes. Just because it works/doesn't work on me doesn't mean the same for others, I can see through that.
Spent some time with Brenton Ford of Effortless Swimming getting some stroke correction and technique analysis. The guy is a gun with triathletes. A baseline swim of 51:48 for 3800M was a great start, but transferring that to the ocean, non wetsuit and starting with 1500 of the worlds best is a different story. The swim start in 2014 was a disaster for me, and I'm out to change that first 500M.
Also visited Andrew Steele of Body Care Solutions. Andrew is a former professional triathlete, with clinical expertise and RETUL software, that ticks a few boxes for me. Will take a few weeks to get used to the new ride (BMC TimeMachine), but now is the time to be making those adjustments. The road to Hawi is like a punch in the face, a good bike fit, can take the edge off some of those uppercuts.
Often I'm asked about sponsorship and how? Next week I'll be giving my best tips on how to partner with brands. I don't like the word sponsorship, it makes it sounds like one way traffic, and it's anything but!